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What is 10 Minute Learning?

10ML is our version of microlearning. Successful microlearning can be characterized as learning that supports the same or better educational outcomes as "traditional" learning while utilizing less time from each learner - don't we all want more time? Our aim is to deliver cost effective learning “within the flow” of work and daily routines, enabling greater flexibility, which enhances recall and course completion rates. All that we offer comes with in depth analytics and reporting features.


We believe this approach to learning is more important than ever, due to hybrid or remote working patterns. Our approach allows you to create an inclusive and accessible platform for learning and development for you and your teams.


Take a look below at some of our key features. If you don't see something you would like, just ask if it is something we can offer and visit our choose plans page to see what an example learner journey might look like for you.



The best time to start is now

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